Saturday, October 26, 2013

Class Parties and Allergies

Parents and Guardians,

          With several holidays rapidly approaching and many birthdays coming up as well, please remember that if you send in some sort of food for a class party that there are no children in the class that are allergic to it. At the beginning of the school year I sent home a document that listed all of the students' allergies. If you have lost that copy or need another one please let me know and I will be happy to e-mail it to you or send it home with your child. We will also be having a small Halloween party on Thursday, October 31st. If you would like to bring something in please e-mail me the item and I will check and make sure that there are no allergies to it and that it will not conflict with the school's guidelines. Thank you and have a great weekend!

-Ms. Bavaro

Progress Reports

Parents and Guardians,

      This is just a reminder that progress reports will be going out on Monday, October 28th. If you have any questions or concerns with your child's progress report, do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or phone. Have a great weekend!

-Ms. Bavaro

parent-teacher conferences

Dear parents and guardians,

         We will be having our parent-teacher conferences on Monday, November 11th, Tuesday, November 12th, and Wednesday, November 13th. I sent home a form with your child about a week and a half ago that states this information, and also has the available time slots listed on the bottom. Please choose a first, second, and third time slot option. I will do my best to accommodate everyone's first choice option, but if that cannot be done, I will try and accommodate your second choice option. If you are unable to attend any of the days or times listed in the letter, please let me know as soon as possible. I look forward to meeting with you all and discussing your child's progress thus far.


Ms. Bavaro

laboratory safety forms

Dear parents and guardians,

                       Next Friday, November 1st, students will be participating in their first lab in class. If you haven't already done so, please read over the lab safety form that I sent home a few weeks ago, and sign and date it at the bottom. It is extremely important that I receive all of the lab safety forms before November 1st. If your child does not bring the signed form in to class before then, he or she will not be allowed to participate in the lab that day or the rests of the labs until it is brought in. Thank you for your cooperation. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Ms. Bavaro

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Use of Blogs and Wikis in the Classroom

Blogs can be very beneficial as a technology tool to use in the classroom. They allow for students to really take the time to reflect on what they have learned. Blogs can also be a good writing tool for teachers to utilize in the classroom. Instead of having students write in a journal or a diary, or write their opinion about a specific topic on a piece of paper, teachers can have students create their own blog and post their opinions or journal entries there. Collaboration between students, and also between the students and the teacher, can also occur because you can view other people's blogs and then leave comments at the bottom. Discussions between students and between students and the teacher can occur this way. Blogs are also useful in a classroom setting because they can act as a way to motivate students, since they are a unique kind of assignment that allows for freedom and individuality. They can also enhance students creative and writing abilities. Teachers could also utilize blogs as a way of communicating with both the students and their parents. They could create a classroom blog where they post information about what the students are learning, class assignments, or events that may be happening. Wikis are another beneficial technology tool to use in the classroom. Wikis also allow for collaboration to occur, and these can be especially useful for group projects or activities. Technology should be utilized in the classroom as a way to enhance the learning experience for students. It also allows for collaboration, and for a different, more informal communication process to occur.